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Search results

  1. Squornshellous Beta

    Suggestions Rau's Sprites (and videos!)

    Triple post whoo Sorry for your time Alraune, I made the sprites and so if you don't want to, you don't have to. If you do, though, I would love that. Also, don't bother with the walkies, I'll do those. That leaves you with... no requests from me. Bye!
  2. Squornshellous Beta

    Suggestions Rau's Sprites (and videos!)

    Sorry for the bump, but I'd just like to point out that I made my Fakemon's menu sprites and so you don't need to. Anytime you like is fine with me
  3. Squornshellous Beta

    Suggestions Rau's Sprites (and videos!)

    Yeah, the walkies are what I'd like. Thanking you muchly! Since that's, um, nine sprites you're doing for me, I feel bad for not doing anything in return...
  4. Squornshellous Beta

    Suggestions Rau's Sprites (and videos!)

    Hey, a trade's not a bad idea! Would you like anything in return for helping me out?
  5. Squornshellous Beta

    Suggestions Rau's Sprites (and videos!)

    If you do turn out to be good at them (which I bet you will since you seem good at everything sprite-related that you do) and it's not too much trouble, could I have them for those fakethingies? Just the downward-facing ones, which I use in my PC for the non-active-squad thingies. Thanks in...
  6. Squornshellous Beta

    Suggestions Rau's Sprites (and videos!)

    No, no, you go wild with that. I actually meant to ask if you could do anything to make them more Pokémony but forgot. (And if you're any good at menu sprites, I'd appreciate those too~ They're hard) Oh, and is it okay if I edit them slightly if at the end you've misunderstood something...
  7. Squornshellous Beta

    Suggestions Rau's Sprites (and videos!)

    Do you take requests? The fact that you've done those for other ASBers suggests so, but you haven't mentioned it anywhere. See, I'm trying to get these into ASB, but obviously without high-quality images I can't. Um. If you do take requests: Awful unshaded thingy by me Chibbit is, in...
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